Remote Visual Support and Inspection Applications

Remote Visual Support and Inspection Applications

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Project Overview

Ensuring uninterrupted network connectivity and efficient technical support is essential for businesses to maintain productivity and uphold a strong reputation. However, technical support can be time-consuming, especially with complex issues. One of our clients faced intermittent network connectivity problems, reporting slow internet and occasional inability to access certain internal applications. A user submits a support ticket reporting intermittent network connectivity issues, such as times of occurrence, affected applications, and error messages, making accurate diagnosis difficult.

Several factors contributed to the extended technical support process:

  • Limited Initial Information: The user’s report was missing crucial details, such as the exact times the issue occurred, which applications were affected, and any error messages received.
  • Multiple Components Involved: The support team had to examine various components to find the source of the problem, including hardware, software, and network configurations.
  • Unusual Configurations: The network had custom settings tailored to the client’s specific business needs, which made identifying the issue more complex.
  • Remote Support Challenges: The support team lacks direct access to the user’s workstation or network infrastructure. This limitation means they must rely on the user’s descriptions and remote diagnostic tools to resolve issues.
  • Security and Compliance Considerations: Strict security policies required additional authentication steps and approvals before conducting network tests or changes, which slowed down the resolution process.

In such scenarios, the technical support process experiences delays because of the intricate network infrastructure, necessity for remote troubleshooting, security factors, and collaborative efforts across various teams. Effective communication with users, comprehensive documentation, and strict adherence to security protocols are imperative for achieving successful resolutions.

To address these challenges, we implemented Remote Visual Support and Inspection Applications. This solution provides a crucial solution with many benefits. These include cost savings, increasing efficiency, improving safety, accessing global expertise, boosting productivity, and having a positive environmental impact.

Traditional Process

Problem Identification: When a customer encounters an issue with their network connectivity or technical system, they promptly reach out to the technical support team via phone or email to report the problem.
Initial Communication: The support team communicates with the customer to gather information about the issue. Due to the lack of visual support, communication is solely reliant on verbal descriptions or written explanations provided by the customer.
Initial Assessment: Based on the information provided, the support team attempts to diagnose the problem remotely. Without the ability to see the issue in real-time, technicians may need to rely on trial-and-error methods, leading to longer resolution times.
On-Site Visits: If the issue cannot be resolved remotely, the support team may need to schedule an on-site visit. This involves allocating resources for travel, which can increase operational expenses and extend resolution times.
Longer Problem Resolution: Technicians visit the customer’s location to inspect the problem firsthand. Lack of real-time visual support may result in longer resolution times as technicians rely on verbal communication and physical inspection.

Challenges Faced

Increased Resolution Time: Without the ability to see issues in real-time, problem-solving becomes more time-consuming. Technicians may need to rely on trial-and-error methods, leading to longer resolution times.
Higher On-Site Visits and Costs: Lack of real-time remote support may necessitate more on-site visits by technicians. This increases travel costs, resource allocation, and the time required to address issues, impacting operational expenses.
Increased Downtime: In industries such as manufacturing, construction, or healthcare, delays in issue resolution can result in increased downtime. Without immediate visual support, resolving technical problems may take longer, affecting productivity.
Communication Barriers: Verbal communication alone may not be sufficient to convey complex technical issues. Visual cues are often essential for effective communication, and the absence of real-time video support can lead to misunderstandings between support teams and on-site personnel.
Reduced Customer Satisfaction:  Customers in various industries may face difficulties explaining issues over the phone or through written communication. This can result in a lower level of customer satisfaction, especially if problems persist due to communication gaps.
Limited Details at the time of escalation: At the time of escalation, customer support teams often rely solely on initial descriptions provided by customers. This limited information can result in misunderstandings and delays in issue resolution during onsite support, due to the lack of detailed context.

Difficulty in Quality Assurance: Industries that require real-time inspection and quality assurance, such as manufacturing or healthcare, may face challenges in ensuring product or service quality without immediate visual feedback.


Missed Sales Opportunities: In retail or other customer-facing industries, the inability to provide real-time virtual product demonstrations or support may result in missed sales opportunities, as customers seek immediate assistance.

Our Solution

Remote Video Examinations: Remote Video Examinations make third-party inspections easy. There’s no need to download an app; just send an SMS and click the link in a browser to connect.
  • Easy to Use: Remote video examinations are simple to use, allowing both clients and inspectors to work without interruption.
  • Save Time & Money: Approximately 20% of an examiner’s time is spent traveling. Remote Video Examinations reduce vehicle and travel time expenses.
  • Keep Inspectors and Clients Safe: Distant Examinations provide a distant substitute for in-person inspections without compromising quality, which can assist Examiners and clients stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction: Reduces wait times and speeds up examination completion, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Remote Visual Support for Contact Centers: No app download required. Utilizes AI, AR, and video to empower customer service representatives and enhance visitor experiences.
  • Increase Call Resolution on the First Call: Use remote online support to focus attention on the issue. Increase first call resolution by 40% in a significant way.
  • Cut Down on Truck Rolls: With the use of remote assistance technology, field services can be completed more effectively, reducing truck rolls by 30%.
  • Self-Assisted Installs: Increase the success rates of your Self Install Kits (SIKs) by 25%. Assist clients with installations and make them feel valued by showing compassion and encouragement.
  • Boost NPS: Remote customer support that provides prompt resolutions can increase a customer’s score by up to 25 points.
Field Teams’ Visual Remote Support: It offers clients support, assisting them in getting the product to function. With the aid of our remote field service solutions, clients may resolve problems without having to wait for an onsite visit. Field management systems with IT support engage customers and offer prompt responses and solutions, enhancing customer happiness and loyalty.
  • Capturing Video: Make group movies to serve as documentation of completed work or to be used again for training and tribal knowledge exchange.
  • Engaging Markup: In order to reduce uncertainty and communicate specifics about a job, collaboratively sketch and annotate during a live video chat.
  • Monitor Analytics: Track your KPIs with personalized dashboards that guarantee a noteworthy return on investment and measure the effectiveness of your field and customer support staff.
Link to FSMs and CRMs: Remote Video Support platform soon becomes your smart system of record for all collaborative activities. Meanwhile, your CRM (customer relationship management) and FSM (field service management) tools continue to be your system of record for static information such as scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, billing, and customer data.
Augmented Reality for Customers: Handheld devices replace paper signage, allowing customers to view pricing, sale prices, and store layouts. Facilitates easier product information searches and comparisons.


75% reduction in travel expenses by one inspection company, demonstrating substantial financial benefits.

Over 90% of representatives reported quicker problem resolution, enhancing operational efficiency.

Increased productivity of 1500 inspectors by a government agency, indicating improved workflow efficiency.

30% reduction in physical visit support time, saving significant resources.

85% reduction in time compared to manual problem-solving methods, client problems are efficiently addressed during virtual sessions.

90% increase in customer satisfaction through the delivery of exceptional remote experience


Configure the audio/video call settings

Image capture

Customize video call design/UI

Markup annotation

Integrate to any web portal

Text extraction

Recording of video call

Live Pointer to highlight/guide

Schedule a video call

Optimize internet bandwidth

Live Chat

AR Support


Custom Form Builder

Screen share


Technology Stack


  • Reactjs
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JQuery

  • .Net
  • C#
  • API
  • Webhook
  • Firebase
Third party Integration

  • Azure blob Storage
  • AWS S3
  • Browser Stack

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • MVVM architecture
  • AR Support

  • Swift
  • SceneKit
  • AR Support

  • Microsoft SQL

  • Azure Cloud