Candidate Skill Assessment and Job Management Platform

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Human Resource



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Project Overview

In the human resource industry, manual job management and applicant assessments often lead to inefficiencies, delayed decision-making, and a lack of transparency. Our client recognized the need to enhance their recruitment processes because they were experiencing challenges with managing multiple job listings, assessing applicants efficiently, and maintaining objective decision-making. Traditional recruitment methods were consuming significant time and resources, and there was a clear need for automation and a seamless workflow to improve both recruitment efficiency and candidate quality.

To address these challenges, we developed a Candidate Skill Assessment and Job Management Platform designed to streamline the entire recruitment process. This platform offers a user-friendly interface that allows customers to create job listings, manage workflows, and assess applicants in a structured, automated, and unbiased manner.

Traditional Process

Manual Job Listing Creation: Recruiters manually create and manage job listings across various platforms, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors. This labor-intensive process consumes significant time and resources, making it challenging to keep job postings up-to-date.
Disparate Systems for Tracking: Applications and candidate data are tracked through unintegrated systems, resulting in incomplete data and difficulty in maintaining an overview of the recruitment process. This can lead to data inconsistencies and missed opportunities.
Inconsistent Assessments: Evaluations of candidates are inconsistent due to the lack of standardized assessment criteria. This subjectivity can bias hiring decisions, making it harder to fairly compare candidates and select the best fit for the role.
Time-Consuming Communication: Interaction with candidates, including scheduling interviews and follow-ups, is managed manually. This approach can delay communication and reduce overall efficiency, impacting the candidate experience and prolonging the hiring process.
Limited Reporting and Analytics: The absence of integrated reporting tools in traditional processes can make it challenging to generate comprehensive analytics on recruitment performance. Recruiters may struggle to assess the effectiveness of their hiring strategies and identify areas for improvement.
High Candidate Drop-Off Rate: In traditional recruitment processes, candidates often abandon their applications due to overly complex or lengthy forms. The lack of a streamlined, user-friendly application process can result in the loss of qualified candidates, further delaying the recruitment process.

Challenges Faced

Time-Consuming Manual Processes:  They faced significant delays due to the manual handling of job listings, assessments, and communication with candidates.
Inefficiency in Candidate Tracking: Managing multiple job openings and candidate applications was cumbersome without a centralized system, leading to data silos and confusion.
Difficulty in Managing Multiple Languages: As a global company, the client struggled to create and manage job postings, assessments, and communication in multiple languages, limiting their ability to engage candidates from different regions effectively.
Lack of Objectivity in Assessments: Without a standardized system in place, evaluations of candidates were subjective and prone to bias. Different recruiters applied different evaluation standards, leading to inconsistency in hiring decisions.
Limited Workflow Flexibility:  The traditional process did not allow for easy customization of workflows to meet specific job or recruitment requirements.
High Operational Costs:  The recruitment process incurred substantial costs due to the need for additional manpower, reliance on external hiring agencies, and inefficient manual workflows. These expenses often did not result in improved hiring outcomes, placing a financial burden on the company. operations.

Our Solution - Job Management and Assessment Platform

We designed a platform to streamline recruitment processes, automating key tasks for improved efficiency and accuracy.

Centralized Job Management: The platform allows recruiters to create, manage, and assess job listings from a single interface. Job requisition numbers and ONET job associations ensure each listing is uniquely identifiable.
Customizable Workflow Creation:  Recruiters can design custom workflows for each job, incorporating layout elements, form fields, and assessments to evaluate candidates objectively. The drag-and-drop interface allows easy configuration and real-time preview of workflows.
Automated Assessments: The platform supports automated assessments, ensuring that candidates are evaluated based on specific skill sets through a fair, standardized process. This reduces subjectivity and speeds up the screening phase.
Multi-Language and Version Control:  Recruiters can create workflows in multiple languages and update them as needed, with version control ensuring that any changes do not disrupt ongoing assessments.
Automated Invitations and Tracking:  Recruiters can easily invite applicants via email and track their status in real-time. The platform provides detailed insights into the applicant’s progress, last activity, and assessment results.
Objective Reporting:  With a transparent scoring system, recruiters receive comprehensive reports on each candidate’s performance, allowing for more data-driven, objective decision-making.


Achieved a 70% reduction in recruitment time through automation of job listings, candidate assessments, and communication, significantly speeding up the overall process.

Increased candidate engagement by 85%, as streamlined application processes and automated communication led to higher application completion rates and improved candidate experience.

Reduced manual effort by 60% by centralizing job management and automating workflows, allowing recruiters to focus on higher-value tasks instead of administrative duties.

Enhanced assessment accuracy by 90% through standardized and automated evaluation methods, ensuring consistent and objective hiring decisions.

Improved global recruitment capabilities with seamless multilingual support, allowing for broader talent acquisition from diverse regions.


User Authentication

Job Creation and Job Description Management

Form and Layout Customization

Applicant Assessment Integration

Workflow Version Control

Multi-Language Support

Invite Applicants

Applicant Progress Tracking

Assessment Setup

Technology Stack


  • Figma

  • React

  • Scoring Engine
  • Python
  • Rest APIs
  • Ruby on Rails

  • Azure

  • Digital Ocean
Deployment & Integration

  • Github